Character-driven satirical drama about a young, extraordinarily intellectual "black activist" wannabe who is discovered as the political critic...
Pro-Black Sheep
When an adopted Black Mennonite has an unexpected connection with a migrant worker, she is torn between her faith and her desire to explore the...
On the eve of New York City’s controversial “No Dancing” Law getting repealed, the lives of several strangers are forever changed...
Paris is in Harlem
Eight-year-old Hawa is reunited with her African refugee mother after six years apart—and now finds herself living with a woman in the midst of...
Say Grace Before Drowning
Ray Livingston is a relationship-blogging hack (“freelance writer, actually”) responsible for Brooklyn’s infamous blog,...
How To Tell You're A Douchebag
Valentina, a day-walking Black vampire protected from the sun by her melanin, finds it difficult to suppress her bloodlust when a new woman is...
Suicide by Sunlight
A single woman's emotions begin to stir when an eccentric African couple moves in next door to her.
The Couple Next Door