Follows the adventures of a group of friends, teddy boys and rock and roll chicks whose crazy, fun-loving habits inspire jiving from some of Rome's...
Howlers of the Dock
A meek clerk is hunted by the counterespionage because he has a secret formula tattooed on his bottom.
I tre nemici
An episodic film based on letters to agony columns, showing the effect of sex on the lives of women.
Latin Lovers
Study of 1960s Milanese social life and its glamorous depravity, as seen through the story of the working class Mario who dreams of social climbing.
Turi, a young Sicilian, makes ends meet by doing some occasional work and singing in taverns in a popular district of Rome.
Nel blu dipinto di blu
Giulio has a faithful wife and a true friend, but he is convinced that only with money can one be happy. So he devotes himself to dangerous real...
Il successo
Fontana di Trevi
Mariti a congresso