This heartwarming docu-drama chronicles the relationship between Russian pairs figure skaters Sergei Grinkov and Ekaterina Gordeeva, whose chemistry...
My Sergei
Family - Sara's feisty Russian grandmother asks for "no presents" for her birthday - and gets them - one from each neighbor, one from Mama and a...
Three Cheers for Catherine the Great!
A musical holiday special aired on CBS.
Snowden on Ice
A retelling of the Disney film, Beauty and the Beast (1991), on ice. This also included live singers from the Broadway stage show, and clips of the...
Beauty and the Beast: A Concert on Ice
Daring leaps, amazing acrobatics, marvelous music, sensational skating and a magic mirror make this special holiday show a skating spectacular on...
The Snowden, Raggedy Ann & Andy Holiday Show
Ice skating greats perform to some of Disney's most memorable music -- from "Mary Poppins," "Snow White," "Cinderella," "Peter Pan," "The Lion King,"...
Disney's Greatest Hits on Ice