When Jason Dyson refuses to make his prized fighter throw an MMA match, a notorious gangster collects his debt by killing the fighter and kidnapping...
Lord of the Streets
Alice Ball, a 23 year-old African American Chemist living in 1915 Hawaii fights against racial and gender barriers to find an effective treatment for...
The Ball Method
When a disenchanted New York musician gets stuck on a layover in Kansas, she falls for a local winemaker who challenges her beliefs on everything...
Heart Land
Two brothers will stop at nothing to guarantee their father's freedom, including robbing a bank to clear his debt.
A young woman is kidnapped and inducted into a bizarre family as their new surrogate daughter. As she navigates through this twisted dynamic, awful...
Three children seek the help of an eccentric personal injury attorney in order to stop their parents' imminent divorce.
Courting Mom and Dad