The Force That Through The Green Fire Fuels The Flower, a contemporary silent film follows a man through a journey of memories in the course of one...
The Force That Through the Green Fire Fuels the Flower
In Imperial Russia, Anna, the wife of the officer Karenin, goes to Moscow to visit her brother. On the way, she meets the charming cavalry officer...
Anna Karenina
An adaptation of the successful stage musical based on Victor Hugo's classic novel set in 19th-century France. Jean Valjean, a man imprisoned for...
Les Misérables
When a young Prince and his trusted aid learn of a beautiful Princess's cursed eternal slumber, they embark on a journey to rescue her. They must...
Sleeping Beauty
A look at the phenomenal success of novel, Fifty Shades of Grey.
Sex Story: Fifty Shades of Grey
Allie and Marily are rivals in the small town of Meadow Ridge, their bakeries across the street from each other. Their rivalry intensifies when the...
The Royal Bake Off
Winter sets in as top chef Grace Cooke, at the helm of a high-end restaurant, rakes in rave reviews due to her gastro-scientific approach to cuisine....
A Perfect Christmas Pairing
A young radio show producer sets her recently separated boss up on live-on-air blind dates to save their dying show but accidentally falls for one of...
A Christmas Frequency