Using the interrogation of a US counterinsurgency agent as a backdrop, the film explores the consequences of the struggle between Uruguay's...
State of Siege
The characters are refugees from the war who have arrived in America. Ricardo Moller is a scientist who the war has left sexually mutilated, while...
La cadena infinita
A young teen has been raised by a despotic mother overcome with religious zeal and a father who rules over the household with a heavy, iron hand....
The House of the Angel
In a fishing village a young woman carries the guilt of her married sister, passing through the mother of her son.
La honra de los hombres
An actor argues with his wife and she decides to leave. The day after learning of the mysterious death of his wife in Viña del Mar, he hires a...
The Idol
With clear stylistic references to the spaghetti western, the film tells a story set in the Chilean countryside in a bygone era. The script, which...
El afuerino
The extramarital love of a doctor and a woman who ends up killing her husband.
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