The adventures of a young Japanese samurai named Yohei who visited Spain in the 17th century, in a story loosely taking its inspiration from the...
Estrella, an intelligent teen student, spends most of her time alone at school or home, enjoying horror books and movies, while her widow mother...
A Real Friend
In 2011, five Medical students investigated an abandoned mining town in search of paranormal evidence... They found them.
Paranormal Xperience
Madrid, the beginning of the century. One day, the police inspector Santos Trinidad coming home very drunk, is involved in a triple murder. But there...
No Rest for the Wicked
A father with problems to communicate with his son and to educate him decide to send the problematic child to a correctional center. The father can't...
Lock Up
A sensuous and ethereal story of two young women falling in love for the first time. Young, beautiful Àsia lies in a coma, her mother and...
Cabell d’àngel
Laia, el regal d’aniversari
Carles, príncep de Viana
A father, a daughter, and a story that unites them. A daring look that connects generations and ways of understanding cinema and audiovisuals,...
Two friends begin a lesbian relationship.
Rodrigo's life as a child was a noble and happy one, he entered school at a young age. Often he went on adventures with his best friend Sancho and...
El Cid: The Legend