The lives of four unique Elvis impersonators intertwine in this inspiring story of passion and hardship. From small-town America to the bright lights...
Heart of the King
A young college educated black man meets a girl of Asian descent and falls in love with her. Their love story was caught up with events burdened up...
The Burden of Race
Nelson Holmes, a black man posing as a white man, had advanced from office boy to general manager.
The Call of His People
Andy Simpson, constable, blacksmith and all-round mechanic of Millbrook, a thrifty little southern town, is looked upon as slow, plodding, and...
Easy Money
A research chemist with a drug company, is close to success in his attempt to develop a chemical substitute for gasoline. Juan Bronson, who is the...
The Schemers
A recent young widow Anne Morgan is thrust into terrible poverty. Unable to care for both of her children, she persuades a prominent black doctor to...
The Secret Sorrow
Little information is known about the nature of this film, it is considered lost.
The Simp
Follows a son of a well-known Black publisher, who has written a novel entitled The Uplift but is told by his publisher that it lacks the aura of...
A short narrative comedy production that deals with African American jazz culture. The film was shot using the same cabaret set as was used in The...
The Jazz Hounds
A Son of Satan is a 1924 silent race film directed, written, produced and distributed by Oscar Micheaux. The film follows the misadventures of a man...
A Son of Satan
The story deals with a man whose fidelity and loyalty are rewarded by his being thrown into prison for the crime of another.
The Sport of the Gods