In Texas, the aspirant actress Nicole Carrow runs away home to Los Angeles with her boyfriend Jess Hilts. They drive through a shortcut in an old...
Rest Stop
John James is a writer; his wife has left him. He moves with his two middle-school children to an isolated house off a dirt road in South Carolina....
The New Daughter
Seth and Jonah are twins with a dangerous ability: telekinesis. Things start to spiral out of control as their classmates die in twisted and bizarre...
Seconds Apart
One year after running away from home, Nicole and Jesse are still missing. When Jesse's brother, Tom, returns home from active duty, he sets out with...
Rest Stop: Don't Look Back
A boy's life is turned upside down when he learns that he is the last of a group of immortal warriors who have dedicated their lives to fighting the...
The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising