A Detroit-set crime noir thriller about three small-time thieves who rip off a neighborhood pawnbroker of his valuable baseball card collection, only...
Good Thief
Struggling in the aftermath of his wife's affair, a man's attempt at a new relationship begins to spiral out of control when he notices familiar...
A Good Man
Beauty influencer by day and underground poker shark by night finds herself in a game that transforms her day-to-day life into a life on the run.
On Da Run
When lovers become enemies, friends become foes. A night of fun for a philandering man proves to be a deadly secret in this scandalous drama.
Deadly Secrets
A man is forced to choose between love and money when the husband of the woman he’s sleeping with offers him one million dollars to kill her.
Perfect Murder
An overprotective mother tries to discourage her son from dating a new woman. Should he listen to her or follow his heart?
Mother May I
When Igrid finds her high school sweetheart happy without her, she decides to take matters into her own hands and do anything to reclaim her spot.
When a seasoned cop responds to a burglary and reunites with her high school crush, she descends into a dangerous obsession. Doing whatever it takes...
Twisted Justice
When Stuntin' on social media goes terribly wrong.
Stay In Your Place is a sordid tale of lies, betrayal, and infidelity which could potentially end with broken lives. Can Deshawn make his women stay...
Stay In Your Place
Produced by Mula Films, Birthday Behavior is the tale of Kierra, Eyana, and LaDawn, three best friends, whose birthdays fall on three consecutive...
Birthday Behavior
A Midwestern city man’s plans to score money to buy himself the car of his dreams goes left after his cousin’s nutty boyfriend decides to...
The Mule
When Ethan Carter tries to leave the past behind, he finds himself back together with a toxic woman and pays the ultimate price.
A Good Man 2