Set to the backdrop of her suburban town’s evacuation, thirteen-year old Nora enlists the help of the boy next door to search for her apathetic...
Most of the Time We Are Just Waiting
Maggie is 17 years old, fresh out of the closet and going through cancer treatment. While getting chemo Maggie escapes by rewatching the same bad...
Cancer is Gay
When teenage Priscilla Beaulieu meets Elvis Presley at a party, the man who is already a meteoric rock-and-roll superstar becomes someone entirely...
When her only daughter goes off to university, an empty nest mother gets stuck taking care of her daughter's heart-broken ex-boyfriend, who she can't...
A young woman explores her sexual autonomy through a series of discomfiting encounters.
I Am in the World as Free and Slender as a Deer on a Plain