Psychological drama of Greek-English production, in which an employee of the British Embassy, Liz, meets a hospitalized patient covered in burns. He...
The Boys
In the Dome of World Archives, the memory of the gifted people has replaced the memory of the computers. Two young citizens, Nichmon and Lara,...
Memory Reloaded
A universal theme: a story of people trapped in an inhuman network of power. The brutal circle of the Eurogroup meetings, who impose on Greece the...
Adults in the Room
Three separate narratives each following a love story between a foreigner and a Greek. Each story represents a different generation falling in love...
Worlds Apart
Members of the Baltatzis family recount the 1922 burning of Smyrna, Greece, including the assault on vibrant Greek and Armenian communities.
Sexy puckish pickpocket Becky, a Bugs Bunny of a girl, is teasing a wallet out of a purse on a crowded Athens metro when she notices Miranda, falls...
The Light Touch