Country: China Production Company: Angel Wings Entertainment Genre: Drama Director: Zhao Tian Yu Starring: Wen Zhang, Bai Bai He, Zhang Jing Chu, Guo...
The Law Of Attraction
On Earth, several countries fought a war for control of territorial waters, leaving only two superpowers: Oceania and Eastasia.Sun Bai, who joined...
Bad Future
In the early 1990s when the Chinese men's table tennis team is at a low ebb, head coach Cai Zhenhua is tasked with forming a new team to finally...
Ping-Pong: The Triumph
The film revolves around the story of Li Yitian, who struggles in a big city, showing the current situation of the life of a new generation of young...
In Our Prime
Men of Sacrifice
The film follows several disaffected youth in the fictional Thirteen Princess High School in Chengdu. Feng, the film's protagonist, is a short-haired...
Thirteen Princess Trees
When a murder occurs in a small town in Southeast China, a local mechanic, known for his honesty, comes under suspicion. When the police target him...
Cock and Bull
Beijing is happening these days, but not everyone is living the golden life. Dumped, fired, evicted and abandoned by everyone (including his dog), a...
Beijing Flickers
A young business elite, Zhong, was imprisoned in a house! Everyday, a mysterious man will reveal one of his darkest secrets to the world. At the same...
A or B
Mad Scientist has privately developed a highly developed humanoid robot with sympathetic nerves to satisfy one's own desires. Unexpectedly, the robot...
Almost Human
Li Er, a 17 year old girl who has great difficulty hearing out of her left ear, is rejected after confessing her love to a boy, Xu yi. Instead the...
The Left Ear
A girl who has lost her parents due to a tragic car crash is facing the issue of pursuing an independent life of raising her younger brother that she...