Action-comedy that follows the Secret Service, runaway generals, admirals, and patriotic organizations, ICTY inductees, accidental and deliberate...
Claused Freedom
Maksim is a retired music professor, a widower, nice, a bit shy, but a good and lonely man. Milena is a retired teacher, a widow, somewhat strict,...
If It Doesn't Rain
Running from police, a small time thief finds a refuge in an abandoned video store. Forced to spend night there he decide to watch three horror films.
Two eccentric brothers collect scrap material whose objects have access to the traumatic memories of their owners. These same memories are then used...
Scrap Material
Boris a prudish biology student loses his room in the dorm and has to leave the campus. After realizing that he can't afford living by himself in an...
Jenga, a Strange Game
A low-budget comedy.
Who Set Mongoose Up?
It displays constant efforts of a four-member family to respond to the numerous challenges of urban modern life, at the same time showing the...
Sultana and the bootmaker's wife Pela looks very much like each other, with replacement clothing and residence, Sultana becomes Pela and Pela becomes...
Evil Woman
Tihomir Stojkovic suspects that there's a hidden treasure in the property of his neighbors. Since this piece of land belongs to a man who has...
The Secret of Family Treasure
A story about Petar Maraš, a Belgrade criminal in his late twenties, whose one reckless move causes an avalanche of events that will greatly...
South Wind
Portrait of an elderly widower who meets love of his life again after half a century.
Russian Tzar