When a young woman is murdered in Willow Grove, Det. Jack Murdock (Jeff Johnson) and Lt. Joe Gambill (Dan Turpen) and their small police force must...
Night Crimes
Tension flares between Sheriff Henry Turner and his son Jason after Henry loses his job and Jason takes over. A local writer chronicles the heart...
Weaver's Crossing
A young adventurer must seek the help of a veteran witch hunter to track down an ancient talisman and destroy a dangerous evil force.
After Dark
The spirit of a mass murderer is resurrected to seek revenge on those who wronged a small-town farmer. A determined police officer races against time...
A Whisper in the Dark
After the massacre in Coldwater, Det. Nick Fisher must enlist the help of veteran officer John Donovan to thwart the murderous agenda of the famed...
A Whisper in the Dark 2