A young New York City journalist, frustrated with the pressures of a failing publishing world and a less-than-promising romantic life, is sent on a...
The Shuroo Process
A film-noir invoking memory, role play and murder. Hotel Acajou follows one man's journey to return home from his waking-dream before he leaves this...
Hotel Acajou
An irreverent, modern, non-traditional re-telling of Ulysses, told rapidly by a succession of over 75 international actors. The film maintains the...
The Ulysses Project
A rollicking journey toward true self-expression for Elizabeth Cook, as she breaks through the constraints of country music to become the artist that...
The Easy Kind
A group of undocumented Mexican immigrants work long hours six days a week, and then savor their day of rest on Sundays on the soccer fields of...
On the Seventh Day
A vengeful ghost, a mysterious killer, and a family where everyone has a secret converge in one night of terror in this remake of Francis Ford...
Dementia 13
James, a sexy, youthful sought-after instagram star in high-society and self-proclaimed 'Trophy,' is dumped by his wealthy live-in benefactor. Now he...
Trophy Boy
When Josef arrives at John's apartment for a date, their prickly energy slowly gives way to genuine chemistry. But after swallowing a pill with...
The Skin of the Teeth