While living in New York, a young immigrant receives tragic news from overseas, and must choose between going home or staying in the US to maintain...
The gang that created Airplane and The Naked Gun sets its sights on Top Gun in this often hilarious spoof starring Charlie Sheen, who previously only...
Hot Shots!
An underachieving vocal coach is motivated by her father, the king of movie-trailer voice-overs, to pursue her aspirations of becoming a voice-over...
In a World...
When industry spies break into a top secret lab at Calgorin Industries, they accidentlally let a T-Rex loose, which wreaks havoc into the lab before...
The Eden Formula
Linda Kasabian falls prey to the hypnotic charms of Charles Manson and his self-proclaimed "family" during the drug-fueled summer of 1969.
Manson's Lost Girls