A family man who faced financial frauds, who attempt to settle all his financial problems where he is kidnapped by 4 blackmailers. Unfolds the...
A Tragic Tale of a Loving Mother, a Hopeless Father & A Desperate Couple, and how their fates are entwined.
Dho Re Babu Dho
The story of DOTPEN is about a brother seeking vengeance for his sister and the path he follows. Who gave DOTPEN to whom? Why and how did Brother...
Dotpen: Chapter 1
Plot Unavailable.
Love doesn't look at caste or religion. Neither rich nor poor. He doesn't see who is the son of a poor labourer who is the daughter of a rich...
Priye Tu Mo Sie
Friends of different ages Jay Prakash, Siddhant, Samaresh, Bobby, Devasis, and Dipanwit, make plans to go to Bangkok to escape the torture of family...
Dear Purusha
A struggle faced by the big brother to unite all his family members.
When premature baldness becomes apparent, Daitary's confidence is greatly affected, as his life was always identified by his voluminous hair. He...
Baala: The Rhythm of Life
Salman tries to heal bonds between his maternal uncle and his mother and their families as they had drifted apart due to religious difference after...
Sundergarh Ra Salman Khan
The story depicts the pain of a Brahmin man whose family life is in shackles due to differences in the ideologies of his children, who eventually run...
Om Swaaha
Kemiti Bhulibi Mun
Most Wanted Mafia
Stranded in a remote graveyard, special investigation officer Amar Patnaik uncovers chilling secrets, only to realise he's caught in a gripping tale...