Set against the backdrop of post-war Germany, the screen adaptation of Siegfried Lenz’s short story released in 1949 shows a snapshot in time...
A stubborn stage actor navigates single fatherhood, a strenuous theatre project, an adulterous love affair, and the confounding dreams awakened by a...
No. 10
Die Geschichte von dem kleinen Reiskorn
Die Trixxser
Ein Sommer mit Paul
Boot un Dood
Johannes, a doctor of physics, travels with his doctoral supervisor to a scientific congress in the Alps. A series of mysterious incidents occur on...
The Universal Theory
When Mara, a social worker at a drug consumption room, meets the heroin addict Ole, the boundaries between work and friendship between to blur. Now...
On the Brink
A scary serial killer is around: he cuts off young women's tongues. Commissioner Michelle Eisner notes striking similarities between the three...
Callboys - Jede Lust hat ihren Preis
The name of car manufacturer Carl F. W. Borgward is still synonymous with the West German Wirtschaftswunder. For hundreds of thousands the "Isabella"...
Die Affäre Borgward
Schauburg Mon Amour
Pasta Mista
Erik, recently retired, is looking forward to some post-work adventure and to enjoy his family. These plans are thrown into doubt as the harsh...
Quiet Freedom
A serial killer strikes fear in the hearts of residents of Hamburg during the early 1970s.
The Golden Glove
He is considered to be one of the greatest German film stars, Hans Albers, known as "Der blonde Hans", a man made for the cinema. He was an actor,...
Die Liebe des Hans Albers
Das Gesetz sind wir
The ambitious scientist Franz Walter doesn't hesitate when he is promised a professorship at the university. He immediately accepts, pledges absolute...
The Last Execution