In the near future, a space station dubbed Earth II is built for the purpose of scientific research and world peace. However, that peace is shattered...
Earth II
A psychiatrist becomes the new Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth in order to battle an evil Sorceress from the past.
Dr. Strange
Artist Steve Rogers is nearly murdered by spies, seeking his late father's national secrets. He is saved during surgery via a secret formula; this...
Captain America
Drama about students at a girls' school, their boyfriends, and an unexpected pregnancy.
Our Time
In the not too distant future, where by far the most precious commodity in the galaxy is water. The last surviving water planet was somehow removed...
The Ice Pirates
Despondent over the closing of his karate school, Cobra Kai teacher John Kreese joins a ruthless businessman and martial artist to get revenge on...
The Karate Kid Part III
A flamboyant secret agent from UNIT, a secret counterespionage group, teams with a lady spy to retrieve a stolen device capable of destroying the...
Death Ray 2000
A fluid documentary in which director Luostarinen interviews fifty women on birth, body image, and the harshness of contemporary attitudes toward...
Gracious Curves
Lee Cantrell, a young San Francisco attorney by day, at night becomes a samurai warrior, and battles a crazed multi-millionaire who is planning to...
Pilot for a proposed television anthology series with stories about love, either dramatic or comedic. In this pilot, there were three different...
Rex Harrison Presents Stories of Love
John Dillinger had a very public, whirlwind career until authorities took him off the streets for good.
Appointment With Destiny: The Last Days of John Dillenger
Eppy Pearson & Diana Webster perform "Tabby the Cat".
Tabby the Cat