Drama - In this crime story, lawyer Bhavna (Rati Agnihotri) and her ex-lover, police officer Ravi (Shashi Kapoor), go after the local mafia. When...
A gangster controls the Punjab state in India. He grows his popularity with his crimes like rape, murders etc. Two boys stop him and burn him alive...
Great Sardaar
With the local police force unwilling to deal with crime, a college student and his gang take it upon themselves to mete out justice in their own way.
Rupinder Gandhi The Gangster
The story of Kaka Ji highlights the era of the 90s in Punjab when the notorious gang Kale Kachia Wale was dominant in the state. Kaka Ji is the son...
Kaka Ji
Deedar is a movie directed by Jugal Kishore featuring Anjana, Premendra.
The film SAJJAN SINGH RANGROOT is based on true story about the Sikh Regiment, serving in the British Indian Army, during World War I. The movie...
Sajjan Singh Rangroot
A city is portrayed as a hub of illegal activities. To avenge his brother's death, Rajveer joins MLA Shamsher Singh Grewal's group. He soon leaves...
Kala Shehar