Five young trekkers and their tour guide embark on a weekend adventure in the Kollimalai hills. Despite warnings, they venture into a restricted...
A mysterious illness declared as dumb flu spreads in a quaint hill station forcing the town's residents from speaking. Will the problems in the place...
Vaayai Moodi Pesavum
MaMaKiKi is a film about four friends who studied together in college. They meet at a reunion in college after 5 years of graduation. What has...
A retired cop goes to the US to live with his son and becomes involved with a kidnapping case. Even as he is trying to track down the kidnapper, the...
Vellai Pookal
A bunch of characters, each with their own set of problems, try to tackle the question of marriage that hangs over their lives.
Oru Naal Koothu
Based on the lives of activists and students who took part in 1965 Anti-Hindi Imposition movement.