"She Made Them Do It" follows the twisted life of Sarah Pender, a charismatic, intelligent young woman who would become one of the country’s...
She Made Them Do It
A highly intelligent chimpanzee named Caesar has been living a peaceful suburban life ever since he was born. But when he gets taken to a cruel...
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Based on the true story of Matthew Winkler, a beloved minister who, in 2006, was found shot and killed in his Selmer, Tennessee home, his wife and...
The Pastor's Wife
A THOUSAND DAYS OF SOLITUDE is a tense dramatic story about a prison correctional guard who witnesses a suicide in solitary confinement and...
A Thousand Days of Solitude
After the tragic death of star volleyball player Caroline "Line" Found, a team of dispirited high school girls must band together under the guidance...
The Miracle Season
An entrepreneur takes a necessary break from developing her wellness brand empire and discovers that the work-life balance she needs won’t be...
The 27-Hour Day