The film tells, through the stories of four characters whose lives, in different forms and manners, are either changed or endangered by shoes, an...
Holy Shoes
Spring 2020. In the midst of the pandemic, Diego has just turned 18. Although he's named after his father's idol, Maradona, he doesn't really like...
Un mondo in più
With his partner, a celebrity performance artist publicly showcases the metamorphosis of his organs in avant-garde performances. An investigator from...
Crimes of the Future
In 1980s Italy, Riccardo Schicchi's agency Diva Futura turns free love into porn, making stars of Ilona Staller, Moana Pozzi and others.
Diva Futura
A man who looks like many others enters a bar to meet a girl. As he waits for her, the bartender tells him about Floyd, a former bartender from the...
Killer in Red
San Valentino Stories
Cevat is the son of a famous mafia leader. He falls in love with a super model and he decides to kidnap her. The famous mafia boss has his men do...
Hep Yek
A crime comedy about the crazy night of a rapper and his manager
Cobra non è