Stanley manages his boxer brother Lion but when a devastating loss in the ring leaves the pair in debt, an opportunity to recoup the cash leads to a...
Tony "Untouchable" Martone leads the mafia in East Providence, RI until a rival family attempts to take control of their territory.
Tony Martone
29 years since the Black Flame Candle was last lit, the 17th-century Sanderson sisters are resurrected, and they are looking for revenge. Now it's up...
Hocus Pocus 2
Hubie Dubois, despite his devotion to his hometown of Salem, Massachusetts (and its legendary Halloween celebration), is a figure of mockery for kids...
Hubie Halloween
Ann is a yoga teacher struggling to achieve inner peace despite the fact her family is driving her crazy and her dating life is miserable. She...
Chosen Family
A young man's perspective on life is changed forever when he decides to pursue his passion.
Killing Our Happiness
In the 1960s, after the love of his life leaves him in the dust, a young soldier in Boston's Italian Mafia must decide whether his future will be one...
Cadillac: A Mobster Fairy Tale
The roguishly charming and endlessly troublesome Fletch becomes the prime suspect in a murder case while searching for a stolen art collection. The...
Confess, Fletch
As an imminent construction project looms over their beloved small-town baseball field, a pair of New England rec-league teams face off for the last...