Deep in the heart of Autodale lives their Mayor. As old as the town itself, a once great inventor, now a gangly and decaying but undying thing which...
Immortal Machine
Taurox is one of the greatest and most feared fighters in all of Sauria, but the BlueSong are a very prideful and honourable people. Instead of...
Blood for Blood
Autodale's detective presence 'Friendly Shadow' makes an effort to keep the monsters lurking outside from entering the city, one such attack however...
Friendly Shadow
An Arctic Saurian named Helionyx tries to survive the winter. After the death of his son, this nomadic hunter starts to question everything he's ever...
Winter Weathered
While on patrol, Captain Ornithicera of the BlueSong Empire and his troop are ambushed by a mysterious and feral pack of witches and cultists. Evil...
Rise of the Decayed