In 1964, a sensation swept through Australian lounge rooms leaving an indelible impression on the children of that generation. That sensation was The...
Set in a 1977 Adelaide, a weathered detective's connection with his daughter and inner self comes into the firing line during an intense legal case,...
The Line We Walk
Set in the nuclear war-torn world of 2040, a congested city is shrouded in a deadly smog, where breathable air is obtainable only through labyrinth...
"Dag" is an Australian term for filthy wool on the hindquarters of a sheep. It also is a slang term for an uncouth person. Therefore this film is a...
With Australia at war in Vietnam in 1967, suddenly Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared without a trace—an event unparalleled in the history...
The Prime Minister Is Missing
The story of David McMillan an Australian drug smuggler and the only person in history to escape from Klong Prem prison in Bangkok.
Underbelly Files: The Man Who Got Away