Directed by renowned British film director Tony Palmer, this film captures the band at the Maidstone Fiesta during the summer of 1970 as they run...
Fairport Convention and Matthews Southern Comfort
Documentary reviewing the music and career of female singer songwriter Sandy Denny. Although deeply revered amongst fans of folk music and the...
Sandy Denny: Under Review
A full-length documentary tracing the history of Britain's premier folk rock group.
Fairport Convention: It All Comes 'Round Again
Documentary following English folk-rock pioneers Fairport Convention as they celebrate their 45th anniversary in 2012. Fairport's iconic 1969 album...
Fairport Convention: Who Knows Where the Time Goes?
Soon after Sandy Denny parted ways with the band, Fairport Convention performs at La Taverne de l’Olympia for French television's Pop2 program...
Fairport Convention: Live in Paris