The film follows two days in the life of a former child star who rose to fame nearly 20 years ago in a major sci-fi blockbuster. Overwhelmed by media...
Heir of the Galaxy
There is a bewitched park in Austria where people hear voices, see strange things or disappear without a trace. According to ancient folklore, you...
Charlie who comes to Spain with a group of artists wants to live a new life, so he runs away from the group to find another job. Later, under some...
Spanish Masala
This rich and nuanced portrait of the remarkable, elusive Rothschild family uncovers the story behind the family's phenomenal economic success. The...
Rothschild Saga
From time to time, when the weather is nice, George takes his family to the lake. Forced by a torn fan-belt he leaves them behind and ventures on an...
A Day In The Country
Alice and Max work at night for a big import-export company. During one of their shifts, while watching CCTV recordings, they notice an alarming...
Bloody Shadow
On her son's birthday, 25-year-old single mother Kathi receives day release from prison and finds her three-year-old, who is living with...
Day Release
A drunken cemetery gardener unintentionally brings the dead prostitute murderer Jack back to life and thus the disaster in the Viennese red-light...
Jack versus Josephine