The story of three children who live in extreme poverty and family abuse. Julian, the father, is an alcoholic man who not only beats his children but...
Fausta is suffering from a rare disease called the Milk of Sorrow, which is transmitted through the breast milk of pregnant women who were abused or...
The Milk of Sorrow
In a small town in the peruvian Andes, the strange death of a herder awakens the fear to the unknown. Two young forensics and a rebel cop are in...
The Light on the Hill
El Vástago y su Promesa
A group of students go to the jungle to get medicinal plants for their experiments.
The Tunche
Liz and Ramiro enjoyed their love in the beautiful places of the mountains, waiting for the festivities of the new year to participate in the customs...
Sangre y Tradición
A very poor married couple survives as best they can by working hard. Their son is mistrustful because he is laughed at at school. He grows resentful...
Sufrimiento de Madre