Set in 1999, in a typical suburban town, Bart Bagalzby is a high school kid who wants to be more popular. His best friends are a diverse group of...
Bart Bagalzby and the Garbage Genie
Stuck in the "friend zone" with her charming but ephemeral coworker, an aspiring young artist decides to take a leap of romantic faith at a Halloween...
Spell It Out in Neon
Cash is trying to live a quiet, honest life in a small Appalachian town. When a vicious crime boss forces him back into her services, he soon learns...
Red Right Hand
The six richest people in the world each have one thing still dragging them down.. their intolerable kids. Luckily, there is a mysterious entity that...
Kids vs Monsters
A 1/2 hour comedic pilot about the trials and tribulations of a newspaper journalist who is forced to join forces with a Salty Police Detective.
Off the Record
Philosophical twenty-something Ross Ulbricht creates Silk Road, a dark net website that sells drugs, while DEA agent Rick Bowden goes undercover to...
Silk Road
Plot TBA.
Love Language