"Sugar" is an elegiac short film directed by filmmaker, Michael Patti. Michael sought to tell a story of grief, patience, the overwhelming aspects of...
After breaking his much-needed glasses, 9 year old Noah struggles to save his hostage father from a home invasion to disastrous and comical effect.
In 1980, Queens, New York, a young Jewish boy befriends a rebellious African-American classmate to the disapproval of his privileged family and...
Armageddon Time
A stark portrait of a mother marginalized by society who embraces a violent crime spree as a means to survive.
Nobody Wants to Shoot a Woman
After an eight year absence from his family, John Corson returns to his family's beach house to reflect on his past one last time.
What goes through the mind of a serial killer as he meticulously plots his crimes, researching his victims and entrapping them while they are none...
Chronicle of a Serial Killer