The legendary Fred Halsted serves up a torrid tale of muscular hunks and their deepest desires. Collection of four shorts films: California Lineman...
California Fox
Hank follows the man of his dreams across the country to settle down.
L.A. Tool & Die
A cast of 16 muscular models enjoy the baths, peep shows, and fleshpots of Los Angeles in this excellent voyeuristic gay porn fantasy about sex-video...
Sex Machine
The lives of a porno photographer and his rugged lover are disrupted when a former beau from France comes to visit the U.S.
The Harder They Fall
Looking for some solid gold all-male action? You'll find it here! Superstud Dan Pace has to get "worked up" for his big strip number and a stack of...
Pieces of Eight
"The Filth and the Fury" is a 4-hour compilation of scenes from some of HIS Studio's gay adult films over the years of 1974-1984: 501 (1982), Alley...
The Filth and the Fury
Nick Rogers and Jim King engage in steamy locker-room sex with a humpy stud after football practice.