A darkly comedic portrait of Chip Seinfeld- the degenerate, cocaine-addicted "brother" of Jerry Seinfeld. The story follows Chip through the streets...
Who the F#ck Is Chip Seinfeld?
Recorded in Minneapolis at The Parkway Theater on Saturday, December 10th, Dan's 4th hour special (following Crazy with a Capital F, Don't Wake the...
Dan Cummins: Trying To Get Better
Mid-quarantine, Wes Crowley learns that a childhood friend and popular YouTube conspiracy theorist, Toby Blackwood, is missing. He and his friend...
The Disappearance of Toby Blackwood
No stranger to the stand-up stage or late-night talk shows, Dan Cummins has built his rep on being crazy when it comes to his comedy, and this...
Dan Cummins: Crazy with a Capital F
Dan Cummins sets to impress with his new release, Don't Wake The Bear. Cummins offers the audience his own brand of odd, featuring his trademark...
Dan Cummins: Don't Wake The Bear
In his third hour special, comic and podcaster Dan Cummins presents some of his most outrageous material to date. Dan mocks those who believe in the...
Dan Cummins: Get Outta Here; Devil!