Alberto Oliver, an unsuccessful pulp novelist, is attacked by alien mutants when he comes back from visiting his lover Carol. Soon he finds himself...
The Man of Ganimedes
During World War II a young Frenchmen sees his brother killed in Alsace by a German officer. He vows revenge on all Germans, but after the War he is...
Pariahs of Glory
Millionaire Baretti pays a gang to rob an atomic bomb from an American silo, and then blackmails the American Government for a huge amount of money....
Spy Today, Die Tomorrow
Lynn lives with her husband Arturo on an island off the coast of Spain. Everything looks normal except for the fact that Arturo suffers from a...
El precio del aborto
A sailor escapes a mutiny on his ship and finds himself stranded on a jungle island--with a tribe of gorgeous amazon women.
Kilma, Queen of the Amazons
Frankie Bargher is hired by the government to pose as his own brother who became a target for two groups of evil agents.
Target Frankie
The Loves of Angelica