In his second year of fighting crime, Batman uncovers corruption in Gotham City that connects to his own family while facing a serial killer known as...
The Batman
A group of Black school kids in London are torn between the approaches of two teachers. Based on true stories.
Help! I Think My Teacher is Racist
Set during the peak of a wave of moped crimes sweeping London, 20-year-old Ash, who is trying to earn money to raise his 14-year-old sister and send...
Gassed Up
It begins with a chaotic rush of teen hormones when white middle-class teenager Leah gets together with Benji who is black and poor. Leah begins...
A Brixton Tale
Misunderstood by his family, abandoned by the system, and desperate for respect, a dyslexic teenager becomes a drug dealer struggling to balance his...
Cookster: The Darkest Days
Wayward London youth Jason, seduced by the lure of fast money and unlimited cocaine, becomes a gangster's runner who struggles to survive within...
Cookster: No Going Back