Benefit is a rock musical about self-belief. Sam is a young man struggling to find his voice as a musician. When his idol, Jon-Jon Gibson dies, Sam...
Thrust into single life again, Sarah Sloane returns to the dating scene, an entirely different place, and much darker than she had experienced many...
Sarah Sloane: The Rash
Trevor, Craig and Ben are all members of a band in which they all try really hard but yet fail to succeed to work together and play something that...
Baroque 'n' Roll
A chronicle of the life of Louis Zamperini, an Olympic runner who was taken prisoner by Japanese forces during World War II.
A multiracial bisexual married couple and their teenage children find themselves beset from all sides as they navigate work, school, sex,...
From All Sides
Len is a Surf Lifesaving champion, a legend in the cloistered surf club just like his father. When the younger, faster, and fitter Phil arrives at...
A cavalier hacker and his jaded companion delve into London's desperate underworld and pitch three criminals a weapon too good to be true; a device...
As a renowned producer and close associate of Dan Rather, Mary Mapes believes she’s broken the biggest story of the 2004 election: revelations...