Strikeforce Challengers: Villasenor vs. Cyborg was a mixed martial arts event held by Strikeforce. The second Challengers episode took place on June...
Strikeforce Challengers 2: Villasenor vs. Cyborg
Strikeforce: At The Mansion II was a mixed martial arts event held on September 20, 2008. The event took place at the Playboy Mansion in Beverly...
Strikeforce: At The Mansion II
Strikeforce: At The Dome was a mixed martial arts event promoted by Strikeforce in conjunction with Brian Halquist Productions. The event took place...
Strikeforce: At the Dome
Strikeforce Challengers: del Rosario vs. Mahe was a mixed martial arts event held by the Strikeforce. The ninth Challengers episode took place on...
Strikeforce Challengers 9: del Rosario vs. Mahe