Short drama film set in 1922 during the Irish Civil War. A boy follows his executed father's final wish...
Abbie Campbell is in prison for murder, she stabbed her sleeping husband. The background to the brutal act was never clarified, Abbie had refused any...
Der Irland-Krimi: Familienbande
A student of Cathrin is murdered and draped like a doll found on the beach. The dead body corresponds to the imagination of one of Cathrin's...
Der Irland-Krimi: Mädchenjäger
On the site of a former children's home, the remains of ten babies and one adult are found. At the dead man's ring, a former psychologist recognizes...
Der Irland-Krimi: Die Toten von Glenmore Abbey
An African immigrant bank security guard turns the tables on Dublin's nastiest criminals when they force him to be the "inside man" on a bank robbery.
The Front Line