Lawrence, a renowned writer, comes to Santiago to spend a winter course. There, by his colleague Elijah, finds a very special house on the outskirts...
Bellas durmientes
Viola and Sebastian are lookalike twins, separated by a shipwreck. Viola lands in Illyria, where she disguises herself like her brother and goes into...
Twelfth Night
An adolescent girl, sexually abused as a child by her father, runs away from home.
A young man becomes infatuated with the exotic Lady Pitts whose much older husband is not pleased.
Daphne Laureola
Martin is a finished actor, both professionally and personally. He is divorced, has no friends and a son he has not talked to for more than a year....
Design for Living presents a trio of neurotic but intensely artistic characters: Gilda, Otto and Leo. Set in Paris, Otto and Leo both fall in love...
Design for Living
Trinidad, 1949. ' Mass suicide!' shout the Indian residents who want free passage home now that India has its independence. But to a young girl like...
Home Sweet India