After a shaman casts a curse on her, a woman is killed by dark sorcery and resurrected as a wrathful spirit who seeks to reunite with her newborn...
Suzzanna: Kliwon Friday Night
After Cokrokusumo's death, Uma tries to deal with the trauma while looking for answers to the mystery of the Kuntilanak's involvement in her life....
Mangkujiwo 2
Melani, who is pregnant, went to find her husband at the Karet plantation because his husband had not come home for 2 months. There he met and...
Rumah Kuntilanak
A woman who was a traumatized victim of family violence and economic hardship was forced to join three friends in robbing an antique house.
The Devil's Lair
A remake from Indonesian horor classic movie, 'Bayi Ajaib' 1982. A child who was possessed by an evil spirit since infancy, and was used as evil...
Bayi Ajaib