Drama critic Larry Mackay, his wife Kate and their four sons move from their crowded Manhattan apartment to an old house in the country. While...
Please Don't Eat the Daisies
Christine Hunter kills an intruder and tells her husband and lawyer that it was an act of self-defense. It's later revealed that he was actually her...
The Unfaithful
A 1950's family man is out of work and looking for a job discovers that putting God first in your life is what matters most.
Does Christ Live in Your Home?
A bookie uses a phony real estate business as a front for his betting parlor. To further keep up the sham, he hires dim-witted Ellen Grant as his...
Miss Grant Takes Richmond
Career woman Jean. almost a partner in Mark's advertising firm, has been falling in love with Mark, who of course is unaware of it. But unknown to...
All by Myself
Banished from various U.S. protectorates in the Pacific, a saloon entertainer uses her femme-fatale charms to woo politicians, navy personnel,...
Seven Sinners
When the unscrupulous Carlos Manning discovers that an old Spanish land grant recently unearthed will leave a huge section of California real estate...
Daughter of Don Q
The story of a Canadian WWII naval vessel, with a dramatic subplot concerning her first captain.
Corvette K-225
A Broadway producer's Girl Friday must make sure that her recent marriage is kept secret. If it gets out, she will lose her job. Unfortunately, her...
Fired Wife