A web series of fiction in six episodes of ten minutes each featuring Nichole. Originally from the Saguenay region, now established in Montreal, the...
In the mid-1970s, Rico, a 9-year-old Haitian boy, was brutally torn from his native land along with Erzulie, his mother, to a strange planet called...
Diane Messier lives on a farm in the Eastern Townships, near the American border, with her daughter Sarah and her two sisters, Carmen and Julie....
An unassuming middle-aged accountant learns he has only weeks to live. Rather than tell everyone, Martin determines to learn the three pages of a...
Three Pages
The story takes place during the colonization of the Laurentian region in Quebec towards the end of the 19th century (approx. 1885-90), near...
Séraphin: Heart of Stone
In the harsh, wintry woods of rural Quebec, Bruce (Thomas Haden Church), a down-on-his-luck snowplow operator, accidentally kills a man during a...
1952, Québec - Alys Robi, vocalist at the top of her popularity and recognized worldwide, was interned in spite of herself, by her father....
Bittersweet Memories
Four young women are participating on Idole Instantanée, a reality show produced by Omni Global, in which a complete stranger turns into a...
Shooting Star
A former agent of the CIA and his estranged daughter go on the run after his employers target them for assassination.
In 1994, Ricardo gave up his dream of being a filmmaker. At twenty-four, he has already, in a way, accepted his destiny: that of a simple citizen,...