Detroit Reawakening tells the origin story of a newly awakened android, Nines, and his enemies-to-lovers journey with his human partner, Detective...
Detroit Reawakening
A popular group of video game content creators must face the ultimate lesson in teamwork when a haunted multiplayer game begins killing them one by...
Three tales of vacation-themed horror adapted from the bestselling book by Grindhouse Press.
Worst Laid Plans
A Detroit: Become Human fan film that follows on from the game, which explores the relationship between a human cop and his android partner – a...
Detroit Rewakening
A series of short films following the interconnected lives on Crosby street, New York City.
10 Crosby
It's been one year since Markus freed the androids of Detroit. The most advanced android ever created, Nines, has evolved past his initial...
Detroit Evolution