From the director of "Eden Prime," "Hardline 2nd Term," Kennedy Lucas' next thriller expands to the era of the 1940s, when Detective John Clark...
A road trip to Los Angeles inadvertently leads a young man from Wyoming into a wild maze of psychotic hit-men, racy women, jewel thieves and a salsa...
Hot Tamale
A reality TV crew charter a boat to an island for filming, one which the boat's captain had been to before and attacked by giant shrews, more than...
Return of the Killer Shrews
Fall into puppy love with “the world’s worst dog”, who now has a frisky voice and an attitude to match. Join Marley for his...
Marley & Me: The Puppy Years
John Carter is a war-weary, former military captain who's inexplicably transported to the mysterious and exotic planet of Barsoom (Mars) and...
John Carter
When ladies' man David Mitchell (Paul Campbell) gives his lonely grandfather, Joe (Andy Griffith), some pointers on dating, Joe becomes a big hit...
Play the Game
Scott Bridges Unlike the rest of the girls coming to Hollywood with dreams of seeing their name in lights, Carrie Kevin arrives with a single...
Married or dating? Then you'll love this smart, snarky, hilarious but heartbreaking film about relationships, sex & love. Four couples gather for...
What Other Couples Do
Thirty-something Hillary Burns has spent her life trying to get the approval of her parents, in the shadow of her more successfully-attached...
Holiday Engagement
Gets into the heads of a big family: four children finding their way to adulthood in these complicated times and the parents whose lives they're...
Divide & Conquer