Set in Hamburg's “Hell's Kitchen,” a waterfront milieu of gangsters, pimps, dealers and prostitutes, the story follows the attempts of an...
Das Hochzeitsvideo
The 40-year-old unemployed Anna Leschek and her 13-year-old daughter Ines rob a bank out of desperation. However, they don't get far with their...
Verurteilt: Anna Leschek
Kati leaves her hometown - a small provincetown in northwestern Germany - to live in the city of Hamburg. Being about 18 years old she has just...
Is Mausi Coming Out?
"Bambule" is German prison slang for "riot". This 1970 TV movie follows a day in the life of three adolescent borstal girls in Berlin: Irene escapes...
Berlin during the Nazi reign: Young music student Ursula is a talented musician and a fervent admirer of the "Führer". When she is asked to...
By-the-book logopaedist Matthias Pretschke, failed husband and father, is the very embodiment of order, who doesn't know what hit him when his wife...
The Two Twins
Mid-fifties Anne Marie Fuchs lives modestly and withdrawn in Düsseldorf. When a murder happens, it becomes clear that the inconspicuous lady,...
The Fox - Dark Trail
It is the love story of Resa and Oskar who meet in the 1970s in the midst if the leftist studen movements. For Resa it is love on first sight when...
The Last 30 Years
Die Judenbuche