The sequel leads Hope and the White Moon Drake to the mid-50s in a Film Noir filled with drama and conspiracy and in which their love story is...
Jealousy: Truth or Dare - Part II
A Viking village is living peacefully until they are attacked amid st an Old Norse marriage ceremony celebrating the main characters Vyktorya and...
Promise of Asgaard
MI6 agent Derren Stone is sent to Costa Blanca, Spain to investigate a connection between a local crime syndicate and major players out of Beijing.
State of Prey
The great star of the Royal Dramatic Theatre has fallen ill, and must be cared for at home by a talkative, insecure woman who, over time, finds it...
Second Act
What would you do if you found 30 million that no one was missing? Mahmut decides to do what he has always dreamt of: to be seen as a Swede. He...
After suffering a personal tragedy, and desperate for justice, Jacob Kanon, a veteran New York City police detective, embarks on the search for a...
The Postcard Killings
Alexander, a journalist, philosopher and retired actor, celebrates a birthday with friends and family when it is announced that nuclear war has begun.
The Sacrifice