Poh Sin, Victor and Felix grew up in the shadow of a major Malaysian crime figure. Their lives get complicated as a series of events suck Poh Sin and...
Awkward movie star Angel accidentally becomes a Triad leader in an intense election war among four main Triads in Petaling Street.
Bullets Over Petaling Street
Ah Lok Kafe is a trendy little place in Kuala Lumpur and is a family-run business currently owned by Tan Ah Lok, who happens to be a die-hard Elvis...
Ah Lok Kafe
By 1997 Diana, Princess of Wales had spent over a decade in the global spotlight. From a fairytale princess to a powerful independent mother - Diana...
The Last Days of Princess Diana
"Love Matters" is a movie revolving around three main protagonists - 52-year-old Tan Bo Seng, his 17-year-old teenage son Benny and 36-year-old...
Love Matters