A man misplaced by society makes friends with his own subconscious, which in turn manipulates him into committing crime as coping mechanism for his...
The Influencer
The most wanted man in America and his bodyguard, a treasure hunter, a sheriff and his deputy's paths all cross under incredibly low odds.
Once Upon A Time In The American Frontier
When an easy job goes astray, blood is spilled. There is no easy bounty in the west. ------ CLICK TRAILER TO SEE FULL FILM------
Never Stood a Chance
Two best friends need to find drugs to get into the party of their life and there is only one place to find them. The past.
Time Dealers
In the small town of Ethham, strange goings on have been occurring and the only people who know are the young adolescents of the town. Will they...
The Beyond (Pilot)
When four stoners decide to try mushrooms for the first time, they eat too many and end up in a joint trip.
A Strange Journey Through The Kaleidoscope