William Bowman is a small town boy with small town dreams. And like any average teenager, when approached with the subject of his future, Bowman...
An American Dream: The Education of William Bowman
After taking a new form of ecstasy, a psychopath goes through a mind bending trip causing him to feel and question his morality for the first time.
Lost Solace
Nick Malloy portrays an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) who finds himself caught in a deadly 12-round game of cat and mouse with a vigilante tied...
12 Rounds 2: Reloaded
A psychological thriller about a young girl who's terrorized on her family farm after the arrival of her popstar boyfriend's best friends.
16-year old Arielle's world is rattled when her mother mysteriously returns, driving a wedge into the seemingly perfect relationship she has with her...
Ice Blue
Tortured by the ghosts of the demonized insane asylum that killed the crew of GRAVE ENCOUNTERS, film students fight to escape death as their own...
Grave Encounters 2
In a case of mistaken identity, country boy Deke Jones gets abducted and finds himself stuck in the city, and way out of his depth, between two...
Grace has been fascinated by a pack of wolves in the woods near her home for years. She is particularly drawn to a yellow-eyed wolf, whom she...